Loveleen Arun
Loveleen Arun has had diversified experience in the hotel and travel industry. She started her career with the Taj Group of Hotels, which was followed by three years tenure at The Imperial in New Delhi and finally she moved to Bangalore with Cox & Kings, where she was Area Manager for South India. She co-founded Panache in 2001. She has diligently reinvented herself over the years to remain relevant in the very fast changing travel industry. Her strong points are immensely intimate & first-hand destination knowledge and long-term bonds & relationships with industry colleagues around the world. She travels frequently and keeps herself up to date with the latest trends in the global Luxury Travel Industry by attending the major cutting-edge events. Recognized by several global networks like Traveller Made, she is one the premier Luxury Travel advisors in India today. Loveleen currently serves on the Travel Advisory Board of Travel + Leisure Magazine, India & South Asia